Enterprise Applications: With SAML Expiry Status

Finding SAML application token signing key expiry dates.

Note: Requires Microsoft.Graph.Beta for the ‘preferredTokenSigningKeyEndDateTime’ attribute.


Connect-MgGraph -Scopes @('Application.Read.All')
$filter = 'accountEnabled eq true and '
$filter += 'preferredTokenSigningKeyEndDateTime ge 2021-01-02T12:00:00Z'
$params = @{
    'All'      = $true;
    'Filter'   = $filter;
    'PageSize' = '999';
    'Select'   = 'preferredTokenSigningKeyEndDateTime,appDisplayName,id'
$samlPrincipals = Get-MgBetaServicePrincipal @params
$samlPrincipals = $samlPrincipals | Sort-Object PreferredTokenSigningKeyEndDateTime `
| Select-Object AppDisplayName,
    Name       = 'PrincipalId'; 
    Expression = { $_.Id; }
    Name       = 'Kind'; 
    Expression = { 'SAML Token Signing'; }
    Name       = 'Expiry Date Time'; 
    Expression = { $_.PreferredTokenSigningKeyEndDateTime.ToLocalTime(); }
    Name       = 'Expiry Status'; 
    Expression = { 
        $expiry = $_.PreferredTokenSigningKeyEndDateTime.ToLocalTime()
        $dateSoon = (Get-Date).AddMonths(1)
        if ($expiry -gt (Get-Date) -and $expiry -lt $dateSoon) {
            'Expires Soon'
        elseif ($expiry -lt (Get-Date)) {
        else {
$samlPrincipals | Format-List


Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell

Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta -AllowClobber -Force


Using the Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools Enterprise Application:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes @('')

Using an existing Access Token:

Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken (ConvertTo-SecureString 'ey..' -AsPlainText -Force)

Using an Application Registration (Platform: Mobile and desktop applications, redirect http://localhost):

Connect-MgGraph -ClientId 'abc..' -TenantId 'abc..'

Using a ClientId and Secret (Password):

$tenantId = ''
$clientId = ''
$secret = ConvertTo-SecureString '' -AsPlainText -Force
$secretCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($clientId, $secret)
$params = @{
    'SecretCredential' = $secretCredential
    'TenantId'         = $tenantId
Connect-MgGraph @params